Sitelink 3D
Sitelink 3D Specification

SiteLINK 3D is an advanced communications system for the Topcon 3D-MC grade control suite of products.
SiteLINK 3D has two main components – software and hardware on the machine for communication and software and hardware at the office or job trailer to analyze data.
There are two levels of SiteLINK 3D functionality.
Standard SiteLINK 3D features include:
- Text messaging
- File transfer
- Visibility and tracking
- Alarms for an array of functions – geo-fencing, notable machine functions, etc.
- RTK correction distribution
- Remote access and support
The advanced version of SiteLINK 3D features include:
- All standard features
- Real-time cut/fill mapping
- Data base query
- Post processing volume calculations
- Reporting and analysis
SiteLINK 3D utilizes Topcon’s 3D Office software to give tabular view of SiteLINK customers, their exact position, activities, files in use, plus myriad other functions. A simple key stroke allows the user to interact with any specific machine connected to the system.
Hooking up SiteLINK 3D to any machine is a simple operation, using a single in-cab controller and a modem to connect to a server for in-office viewing of data.
The system design makes it easy to connect to any machine. To connect, just choose one of the SiteLINK 3D options, which includes a complete kit (or kits, depending on the option selected) and antenna, appropriate software and hardware and sign up for the service package. A small yearly maintenance fee is waived for any system purchased prior to July 1, 2011.
SiteLINK 3D has been field tested on small and extremely large construction sites. It is field-proven on dozers, graders and trimmers.
With SiteLINK 3D and 3D Office software, the job site asset management of multiple machines will more than pay for itself in savings in productivity, time, and downtime.
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Sitelink 3D Specification

SiteLINK 3D is an advanced communications system for the Topcon 3D-MC grade control suite of products.
SiteLINK 3D has two main components – software and hardware on the machine for communication and software and hardware at the office or job trailer to analyze data.
There are two levels of SiteLINK 3D functionality.
Standard SiteLINK 3D features include:
- Text messaging
- File transfer
- Visibility and tracking
- Alarms for an array of functions – geo-fencing, notable machine functions, etc.
- RTK correction distribution
- Remote access and support
The advanced version of SiteLINK 3D features include:
- All standard features
- Real-time cut/fill mapping
- Data base query
- Post processing volume calculations
- Reporting and analysis
SiteLINK 3D utilizes Topcon’s 3D Office software to give tabular view of SiteLINK customers, their exact position, activities, files in use, plus myriad other functions. A simple key stroke allows the user to interact with any specific machine connected to the system.
Hooking up SiteLINK 3D to any machine is a simple operation, using a single in-cab controller and a modem to connect to a server for in-office viewing of data.
The system design makes it easy to connect to any machine. To connect, just choose one of the SiteLINK 3D options, which includes a complete kit (or kits, depending on the option selected) and antenna, appropriate software and hardware and sign up for the service package. A small yearly maintenance fee is waived for any system purchased prior to July 1, 2011.
SiteLINK 3D has been field tested on small and extremely large construction sites. It is field-proven on dozers, graders and trimmers.
With SiteLINK 3D and 3D Office software, the job site asset management of multiple machines will more than pay for itself in savings in productivity, time, and downtime.