
Mobile Mapping

Mobile mapping is the process of collecting geospatial data from a mobile vehicle, typically equipped with a Mobile Mapping System.

Topcon’s Mobile Mapping Systems (MMS) are capable of providing fast, efficient, cost-effective, and complete data collection. Their development has been motivated by a desire to overcome the problems with alternative methods of spatial data collection. These alternative methods include point-wise GPS and traditional terrestrial surveying.

Topcon’s fully integrated 3D laser and digital imagery mobile mapping systems will revolutionize the way you collect and manage field data. Collect all roadside assets at normal traveling speeds.

As an Exclusive Distributor of Topcon Products in India, Skipper Technologies provides you multiple ranges of Topcon Mobile Mapping Instruments in India.

Mobile Mapping survey


It is used to effectively collect massive spatial data with high-density 3D Points cloud data over a large area.  IP-S3 Mobile mapping systems will revolutionize the way you collect and manage field data. A Topcon IP-S3 has following features inbuild with it such as Encoder, camera, lidar system, gyro, IMU.